Saturday, February 23, 2008
A new puzzle
Finally, the Mystery Boat Revealed
Cloudia is a prototype catamaran designed to test the tall red and white towers, called Flettner rotors, which were first describe 80 years ago The outboard motor is used as an auxiliary, to move the boat into position for the tests. A small electric motor spins the rotors. The spinning rotors then develop lift similar to the lift produced by a spinning curve ball thrown by a baseball pitcher. The lift produced provides the boat's propulsion through the water. The rotors need to spin at approximately 3 – 5 times the wind's speed. A beam reach is the best point of sail for this rig. Cloudia successfully completed her sea trial last month.
Cloudia's two Flettner rotors are built of carbon fiber and foam. The taller tower is approximately 18 feet and 300 pounds, the shorter is approximately 14 feet and 275 pounds. The pattern of interrupted red stripes was used to help film the towers' speed of rotation, which can be 180 RPM in 5 knots of wind.. The black scores on the horizontal base of the rotors were used to accurately measure the rpm of the rotor using a stroboscopic device. The metal fences in the cockpit were built to give the appearance safety for the film. Unfortunately the movie's narrator chose to stand next to the spinning rotors with the safety grids behind him.
Cloudia was built to only test the use of Flettner rotors, but her name refers to the environmental goals of a much larger project to combat global warming developed by Steven Salter, a professor and researcher at Edinburgh University. The goal is to have enormous, unmanned sail boats propelled by Flettner rotors in the oceans, generating clouds to cool the earth. Turbines dragged behind the boats and solar panels will produce the electricity needed to aerosolize sea water, perhaps using ultrasonic humidifiers. The cloud making technology for this project is being developed at other research sites. The next step in the project is to build a 60 foot catamaran with the capability to easily disable Flettner Rotors, perhaps using towers that can be inflated and deflated.
This research project is supported by the Discovery Channel and will be featured in their series on Global warming. Cloudia's sea trial was filmed by Impossible Pictures. We wrote this explanation based of a conversation with Captain Bill who was responsible for Cloudia's electrical engineering and captained her sea trial.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
The mystery boat
The Challenge
Running to the boat
Perhaps it was the freezing temperature, or the piles or snow, or our lack of cold weather outfits; something sent us hurtling south and ended our 9 months of land life. We've had a wonderful time. Our recent adventures have not been of storms or islands. Instead we navigated our way on a map of the lives of our friends and family.
Snow Angel
Welcome to the family
What's this?
Christmas in New York
We traveled to New York for a Jasinski family Christmas. We each took numbers and waited for our turn to hold Thomas or William. Most photographs of the celebration includes a baby. Claire, Luisma, and Martin as usual made the record for longest distance to the party since they traveled from Spain. Here Luisma visits with Syd and holds William, or maybe Thomas.
Marco moves to the Big Apple
No hurry
Avian Spelling
It is well known that geese fly in a V, but the formation in this picture has not been widely observed. Recent research by the Audubon Society, however, has determined that only Michigan geese have the required linguistic aptitude, explaining the rarity of this Geese behavior. Little Vinny always knew that the New York geese were trying to spell his name.