Tony and Mary Jo celebrate the benefit of their generation. Having raised their children, they can relax with their drinks knowing that younger people are responsible for supervising the activities in the crib.
Along with the new family members, Melanie found some artifacts from the past. This is the bill for Vinnie's birth at Englewood Hospital. He was a real deal at only $14.13 after his mom's 20% staff discount.
We worried that Brie would be overwhelmed by the hordes of adults and noisy children. On her second day she looked out over the crowd and excitedly called out, "Look, the people are still here." She is a natural for family festivities.
Unfortunately, some of the family were unable to attend, including the hard working and responsible Kevin, Matthew, Kim, Anna, Luisma, and Lenny. There were also some new faces. One of the most exciting moments came with the first meeting of our youngest: William, Ethan, and Thomas.
During those nightly dinners, John and Judy brought us the riches of their ice box including chicken, turkey, and wonderful salads. After only a few days, the Amante sailors were in a state of acute protein intoxication. Our rarely used grill became a daily event. On windy nights, the head chef had to work behind a curtain.
From New York we sailed together through Long Island Sound, into Nantucket, finally arriving in Cape Cod. Each morning we would set off together and each night we would have dinner and a planning session for our next day's sail.
Our time was limited so we never made it up the Hudson, but High Five came down to the New York harbor. Our self satisfaction was damaged when we saw that they travel with their own helicopter escort.