We caught the tide down the Hudson and rode it around New York, past Hell gate, and into Long Island Sound. Passing under the Brooklyn bridge we said good bye to the city and the empire state building.
The ongoing story of Vince and Maria aboard our Cape Dory 33 'Amante'
Hello there, I am enjoying following your adventures and beautiful pictures. We all miss you guys around here, we will send you pictures of your old house when we are done painting it. (Aren't you glad you do not have that kind of stuff to deal with anymore....)Everyone is fine, kids are doing well....they are excited about seeing you guys in Cape Cod. Take good care, stay safe..
Hi Dad and Maria,
I finally got a chance to look at your pictures and they are beautiful! Looks like you are having too much fun . . . can't wait to see you in Cape Cod in two weeks! love alessia
Hi - it's Melanie's client again. Hope you're enjoying the Long Island sound. We're headed out there to our boat in a little while - our marina is one of the Brewer's chain - in Westbrook, CT. We're taking our boat into Naragansett Bay for the week - Newport, Wickford Harbor, Bristol. Enjoy the area.....
Sandra Mole'
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