Yesterday, 12/23/05, we cleared customs at Spanish Cay and we are now LEGAL. We've anchored at Manjack Cay in a lovely bay. There are 4 other sail boats here and the owners of a home on the island, Bill and Leslie, have invited us all for Christmas Eve dinner pot-luck at their home. The sign just off the dock says, "Yes Tresspassers". We will celebrate tonight and be moving the boat tomorrow in preparation of the winds predicted for Christmas Day.
Maria and Vinnie! Merry Christmas!
It was wonderful to talk to you before your departure, and we have been eagerly awaiting your update!
Glad to hear you made it safely to a friendly anchorage.
We are heading north today in spite of rain. We showed Sam and Emily your route and they are intrigued.
Big love from all four of us,
Patricia and Chuck
Hey dad and maria its marco.. you know what i have no idea how to e mail you guys so email me at mvjasinski@hotmail.com so that i can communicate a few things with you.. love you bye
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